Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jason Chan Talks Life, More in CNY Exclusive Interview

Jason Chan, best known to Ninja's Dude! fans for his role as the Green Samurai Ranger and techno genius in the series Power Rangers Ninja Storm, was interviewed by tokuAsia TV as part of a 2011 Chinese New Year special. In addition to talking about his life, he mentions his days on PRNS. Here is a brief transcript of that section. You can watch the full video on Youtube here.

Interviewer: So, during your time with Disney's Power Rangers, you worked with the other castmembers. What was it like working with them?

Jason: Great. The three of us were the closest, probably Glenn, myself and Sally. We sort of hung out the most outside of Power Rangers. I won't know why. You know, who knows why certain people bond more than others, but Adam and Jorge used to hand out a lot. Pua was a party animal, so he was out all the time. Some of them were in their own city. Pua lived there. Sally kind of lived in New Zealand. Others of us were coming from outside, so Adam and myself were from Australia, and Glenn as well. And Jorge came from Canada, so we were kind of foreigners living in hotels half the time and trying to find our own place, so it was kind of difficult. But, the party guys were Adam, Jorge, Pua. They were out partying all the time and we were like... We were a lot more domestic. Me, Glenn and Sally would just hang around listening to music, go to a few bars and things, just go shopping, whatever.

Interviewer: So, Jason, on a personal level, are you guys still in touch?

Jason: Yep. I went to drama school with Adam, so we're still in touch, mostly on Facebook. He's back in Adelaide and Melbourne I think. I'm in touch with Glenn and Sally. So we keep in touch on Facebook, email and things like that. Sally's back in New Zealand, doing really well on New Zealand television. Glenn is actually now a bigshot lawyer in London, so, yeah, clever guy.

Interviewer: So, after fighting metaphorical monsters on TV, he's now fighting real monsters in real life.

Jason: That's right.

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