Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Book I - Honestly: Verlieben" by Patrykowski

Honestly by Patrykowski
Rated T
Book I - Honestly: Verlieben is the first book in an series of 4 (known as 4V) that follows Dustin and Hunter and their journey through the world of heartbreak, distance, death, and love. "Verlieben," German for "falling in love," covers the struggles Hunter faces in being honest with his friends and himself. When facing yourself, honesty is the best policy.


Rogue Ranger said...

Ooh, sounds interesting! I'll have to add it to my list of things to read! And I'd love to learn German one day...

Welcome to the posting world!

Patrykowski21 said...

Thanks for the welcome! German is probably my favorite language of the ones I speak, simply because it sounds SO AWESOME. lol

I hope you enjoy the story! I intend to post some fanart from it soon!

Anonymous said...

Great history, I love it.
I would like to be part of your blog, but I don't know who is the administrator.
I'm very good for making videos and photographs.
Also I am a big fan of ninja storm, I have all the episodes and I wanna help on your blog.
How do I contact you?
PD: I'm so sorry for my English. :(
Well, thanks for see my message :)!

Rogue Ranger said...

I finally finished reading Book 1 and I reviewed it and I can't wait to read Book 2 next! *runs off to FF*

Rogue Ranger said...

You can contact me at from whatever email address you want to use if you want to be able to post stuff here.